Arts Global
Become a Member/Sponsor
Le Rameau d'Or—The Golden Bough
Our exclusive Club for Arts Global's Major Sponsors and Donors,
networking through "The Arts Global Initiative"
"Le Rameau d'Or—The Golden Bough" and the Arts Global Tree

Click for more about the Arts Global Tree
- Global Sponsor—contribution of $250,000 or more (or equivalent in UK£ or CHF)
- Benefactor—contribution of $25,000 or more (or equivalent in UK£ or CHF)
- Mentor—contribution of $15,000 or more (or equivalent in UK£ or CHF)
- Fellow—contribution of $10,000 or more (or equivalent in UK£ or CHF)
Guardian—contribution of $5,000 or more (or equivalent in UK£ or CHF)
Opportunities and Benefits
Suggested Benefit Packages
- Global Sponsor—Please contact Heather de Haes
- Benefactor—Members may sponsor the Arts Global String Quartet, playing the Foundation’s unique matched set of instruments, The Evangelists. The sponsorship will include production of a promotional recording of the Quartet, and a private performance (excluding travel). Alternatively, Members may choose to sponsor four individual Arts Global Roster Artists for one year, and will be entitled to have them perform at four private events. Members will also receive a total of 8 complimentary tickets to Arts Global events in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Europe and the Middle East.
- Mentor—Members may sponsor three Arts Global Roster Artists for one year, and will be entitled to have them perform at three private events. Members will also receive a total of 6 complimentary tickets to Arts Global events in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Europe and the Middle East.
- Fellow—Members may sponsor two Arts Global Roster Artists for one year, and will be entitled to have them perform at two private events. Members will also receive a total of 4 complimentary tickets to Arts Global events in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Europe and the Middle East.
Guardian—Members may sponsor an Arts Global Roster Artist for one year, and will be entitled to have them perform at one private event. Members will also receive a total of 2 complimentary tickets to Arts Global events in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Europe and the Middle East.
Further Opportunities: Artist Support, Soirées, Master Classes, Concert Series, International Appearances and Larger-Scale Projects
- Members may assist in the career development of one or more specified artists
- Arts Global will assist Members to form consortia to support one or more specified artists
- Members may support (by donation or underwriting) a single event or a basket of "dedicated" events—including national and/or international performance events (see below)
- Members may support a major annual concert series, or a larger-scale project such as The Arts Global String Quartet playing The Evangelists, or L'Orchestre International de Genève, or "The Cellists of L'OIG—Korean Tour"
- Naming opportunities are available for most forms of major support
- Corporate benefits apply where relevant—please see Corporate Circle
Complimentary admission is offered to Members and their guests for "dedicated" events
Private Events
Exclusive, tailor-made private soirées are offered to Members according to their Membership Category
National and International Appearances of Foundation Artists
- Members' contributions may be applied so as to enable Foundation artists to appear with orchestras, in concert series, at festivals and at special events
- Exposure may be at a national level or in the international arena
Guest entertainment packages at such performances are available, including concert tickets and pre- or post-concert cocktail receptions
Capital Endowment Fund
- As with all arts organisations, it is imperative for Arts Global to secure its future success by building substantial capital reserves, the income from which will be applied to the Foundation's operations
- The Fund will grow by means of cash donations, equities, and income-producing real estate
- Contributions may be specified for the Arts Global Capital Endowment Fund
Alternatively, and to ensure the steady growth of the Fund, we recommend that a portion of all general or otherwise specified donations be applied to the Fund—please see "Use of Funds" below
Musical Instruments
- Although musical instruments do not produce income, their value to the Foundation is enormous, both as capital assets and, crucially, for the significant artistic and career-enhancing benefits they bring to the musicians to whom they are loaned
- Fine instruments may be gifted to Arts Global, either outright or through our Shared-Ownership Scheme
- Fine instruments may also be loaned to Foundation for specified periods. We are well-positioned to identify appropriate artists to whom to on-loan particular instruments
Please contact Heather de Haes to discuss this specialist area of support
Contribution Options
- A single payment of the donation
- Donation by quarterly tranches
Alternative forms of support are also welcomed: Gifts in Kind, Planned Giving, Transfers of Stock, Mutually beneficial Corporate Initiatives
Tax deductibility
- Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the jurisdictions in which they are made, whether the USA, UK or Switzerland
Corporations may participate, where appropriate, through their promotional budgets
Intangible Benefits
- Arts Global Members and their guests have an opportunity to share, through the Foundation and its activities, the unique joy of witnessing over time the development of talented young artists, artistically and professionally. This is the core of Arts Global's activity, and its raison d'être
Members have an opportunity to relate directly to the development of an artist or artists of their choice, over a specified period of time
Use of Funds
- As a general principle, unless otherwise agreed with the Donor, Arts Global seeks to divide contributions as follows:
- 60% to the nominated artist, event or project;
- 20% to the Foundation's administration
- 20% to the Capital Endowment Fund
- Our immediate target is to designate $50,000 per Arts Global artist over three years: $30k directly to the artist (concert fees, expenses, a CD recording, career assistance and further education), $10k to administration and $10k to the Capital Endowment Fund
Event and project budgets vary. Please refer to "The Arts Global Initiative" for details
"The Arts Global Initiative"
- "The Arts Global Initiative" is the core document outlining Arts Global's funding strategy. It is available to existing and potential Donors upon request. It points to other, supportive documentation which Donors may require:
Incorporation and Charitable Status
Governance and Management
Three-year Artistic and Positioning Vision
Three-year Budget and Financial Goals
Detailed listing of Donor Benefits
The Arts Global Initiative: Detailed Fund-Raising Plan and Strategy
Either Indicate Interest Online or contact:
Heather de Haes